“Since I moved to Ibiza, I’ve been exploring exploring techniques of sound-therapies with the use vibro-acoustic instruments and electronic music.
The result of this sonic experience it’s a live performance called “Exploring Theta Waves”: an intimate ambient live set that I perform with vibro-acoustics instruments (such Tibetan bowls and crystals, Hangs), combined with modular synthesizers creating Binaural Beat stimulation in Theta brainwave frequencies - brainwaves that are commonly associated with deep relaxation, meditation, creativity and intuitive awareness.”
A Binaural Beat is a frequency that is created by the brain after hearing two slightly different frequencies -
measured in Hertz (Hz) - one of which is sent to the left ear and the other to the right ear.
Upon hearing the two tones (frequencies) simultaneously on headphones, the brain then attempts to reconcile both tones, by creating a new third frequency, termed Binaural Beat, which is heard as a rhythmic pulsation (in this case created by Coco thru Modular Synths Oscillators).
For example, if a frequency of 200 Hz is played into your left ear, and a frequency of 205 Hz is played into your right ear, your brain “hears” a third frequency pulsing at 5 Hz, which is the difference between the two frequencies.
Research has shown that when a person listens to Binaural Beats for a recommended time, their levels of arousal change and the effect varies according to the frequency pattern used.
There are five known brain frequencies patterns - Gamma (Highest), Beta (High), Alpha (Moderate) ,Theta (Slow), Delta (Slowest) each associated with different benefits (see chart below).
Theta Waves frequencies range between 4Hz to 7Hz (so a Slow frequency pulsation); therefore - for example - a 5 Hertz tone is in the Theta State, which is a state generally associated deep relaxation, meditation, creativity and heightened intuition. Theta Waves also play a roll in the early stages of sleep.
There are numerous studies that show how Theta Waves positively impact our psychological well-being – think lower stress levels, clearer thinking, an enhanced creative mind and much more.
In Coco’s live performance Binaural Beats are laid underneath ambient sounds and dreamy ethereal melodies played with Modular Synths and vibroacoustics instruments : when the audience listens through headphones, the brain is encouraged to follow and produce more Theta Brainwaves and therefore to enter into a relaxing dream-state.